We are in a transformational time of the world called, "The Return of Sacred Relationship." This means with ourself, each other and the planet. I currently work with many holistic healers and allopathic health professionals to help them become and remain healthy so that they can be a powerful part of the support system for the people of the planet. Our self-care must come first at this time so that our immune systems stay strong, and we have the energy to give in service to others, without causing our own health to become compromised.
In the book, "The Power of Intention," Wayne Dyer writes that, " people who hold the light are a powerful force for positive change in the world."
Nurturing and nourishing yourself has never been more important. The world needs you to embody the light from a place of strength and balance. Holding the frequencies and meditative visions of deep inner peace will bring the reality of beauty and peace to your body, your life and our planet.
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Giving credit and a big Thank you to Leiann Quesnel for the beautiful painting of my guardian angel used above. Her work can be found at Leiann's Artworks on Facebook.
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